Ironic has to be the most misused word in the english language. It really is pathetic how often this word is used considering almost no one understands it's definition. People just love this word. You hear it used all the time. It's strange (not ironic) that such a misunderstood word flows out of people's mouths so often.Coincidence,unhappy or otherwise, is not ironic. Look Alanis!!! Rain on your wedding day is not ironic! A free ride that you just couldn't take is not ironic! If you buy a gun for protection, and the gun ends up killing you, thats ironic. If you post a ridiculous rant on you web log to increase your readers(ya right) understanding of the word ironic, and you end up confusing them even more, that's ironic, don't ya think?
It's so misused they may as well change it's definition to match the layman's usage. While their at it, why don't they add the ridiculous made up words like "laxadasical" which I am assuming is an unholy cross breed of "lax" and "lackadasical". We can't forget the classic "irregardless" which sounds pretty redudnant to me. And no that is not ironic either.
When it comes to the misuse of the English language sportscasters have got to be the biggest offenders. They can squeeze all of these words into one sound bite. You hear things like "Irregardless of Shaq's impressive numbers, I despise his laxadasical attitude toward the game. Which is ironic." (Sigh)Oh well.
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